Living Faith Victory Center was started in 2002 by Pastors Rick and Roxy Jolley, and a small core
group of families who found great joy in simply doing life and serving God…… together. Through the
process of agreeing with one another, Loving one another, and developing deep spirited friendships,
our faith has Increased, our vision has Grown, and our lives have Changed…. All for the Better!
Pastors Rick and Roxy live in Yakima. Together they have invested more than 30 years into the lives
of others. They are blessed with 2 sons (Whom they somehow raised successfully), 5 grandchildren
(whom they intend to spoil completely), a congregation that loves them deeply (whom they will not
disappoint), and a God who has graced them with the best job on the planet (whom they will not fail).
Two foundational scriptures we never want to walk away from that have helped us tremendously are:
That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Philemon 6 KJV And Everyone who is a child of God has the power to win against the world. It is our faith that wins the
victory against the world. 1 John 5:4 ICB
We know there are many great Churches in our valley, (we also think this one is the BEST one).
We encourage you to find and become part of “Your Church”, and we hope this is it! But wherever it is get planted and rooted.
We are a Church based on God’s word, not social trends. The Holy Spirit and our Best attempts at
following Him determines our direction. God uses our investment in spiritual things to cause us to COLLIDE with the Plan and Destiny He has for EVERY one of us. While we are THRILLED when we help someone receive Jesus, we MUST go beyond that to what Jesus Commanded. “Go and make Disciples”.
Every activity at LFVC has that Command at its core. Many folks want to “be saved” but have no
interest in becoming a Disciple, tragically they probably won’t be “home” here. Our Assignment is to help believers change from just a Consumer to a Producer, from just a Spectator to a Participator.
EVERY believer can be a Disciple, and when you accept the Challenge, God will Change your life so
RADICALLY for the BETTER, you’ll NEVER regret the decision to…… “Be a DISCIPLE”.
Because of this GREAT command from Jesus, we’re BIG on connecting in the local Church where
God PROMISES to PLANT us and becoming “family” there. As well as finding and functioning in the
talents God has invested in each of His kids. By giving Jesus to save all who ask for it, God has
invested HEAVILY in each Christian and we believe He deserves return on His investment.
Growing up, my Dad told us, “If you’re part of the family you’ll do your chores”.
Sound like a lot of work and some TALL expectations but together we can handle it because Church life isn’t about what we HAVE to do, it’s about what we GET to do.